Treatment of spider veins with Dermatology Consultants of Short Hills

Telangiectasia, or “spider veins,” are a common problem for many men and women. Known for their web like appearance, these tiny blood vessels can become noticeable on any part of the body—and even the face. Patients who have them are often embarrassed at their appearance or may find that they feel self-conscious about wearing revealing clothing that leaves them available for all to see. At Dermatology Consultants of Short Hills, we understand how telangiectasia can impact one’s confidence. We are pleased to offer two convenient treatment solutions for patients, including laser ablation and foam sclerotherapy.

What causes spider veins?

Spider veins may occur due to various factors and causes, including:

  • Genetics
  • Pregnancy
  • Vein valve incompetence
  • Vein disease
  • Injury/trauma
  • Hormonal changes

What treatments are available?

The doctors at Dermatology Consultants of Short Hills are excited to offer two methods of treatment for spider veins:

  • Laser ablation – with laser light, spider veins can be treated quickly and easily without patients undergoing an invasive procedure. The laser breaks down the spider veins and allows the body to naturally absorb them, causing their disappearance. Patients may need more than one treatment to achieve results, depending on how their skin reacts to the treatment. We can evaluate patients to determine if they are a good fit for laser ablation.
  • Foam sclerotherapy – an alternative treatment that can be performed is that of foam sclerotherapy. Foam sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive treatment for spider veins (and varicose veins) that requires the doctor to inject a foam sclerosant directly into the blood vessel to close it and allow the blood to reroute through healthier veins. This restores more normal blood flow while also fading away the spider vein.

Learn more about your options for spider vein treatment

If you reside in the Short Hills, NJ area and are interested in learning more about the treatment of spider veins on your skin, talk to our team of professionals to find out if you are a good candidate for laser ablation or foam sclerotherapy. We welcome new and current patients to book a consultation visit with one of our providers by calling the front office at (973) 232-6245 and visiting our office at 636 Morris Turnpike, Ste. #2H.

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