What Is the Best Way to Reduce Wrinkles?

The appearance of fine lines and wrinkles can leave many men and women down about their youthful appearance. Skin laxity occurs with age, and can cause these wrinkles and folds to become much more noticeable. The dermatologists of Dermatology Consultants of Short Hills in Short Hills, NJ are pleased to provide patients with solutions that are non-invasive, non-surgical, and affordable!

What is the best way to reduce wrinkles?

In dermatology, there is no “one size fits all” solution that works for every patient through our doors seeking anti-aging treatments. Instead, our providers will tailor a wrinkle reduction treatment plan or each individual patient based on their unique needs. Below are just a few of the common ways in which our patients combat aging skin:

  • Laser skin resurfacing – with laser skin resurfacing, patients are penetrating deep within the skin to target discoloration while stimulating collagen production. Additionally, they can tighten loose skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Chemical peels – exfoliating the upper layer of skin is one way to combat the signs of aging. Chemical peels are done quickly in our office and can provide a more youthful, toned appearance.
  • Injectables – a popular choice for many of our patients is that of cosmetic injectables. Our practice offers a wide selection including collagen stimulators, hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, and neuromodulators such as Botox. These injectables are used directly in the areas required and can make wrinkles and folds far less noticeable than ever before. While the results are long-lasting, they will not last forever, so patients need to visit their dermatologist on a regular schedule to maintain the results and gradually slow the signs of aging.

Discuss your anti-aging needs with a professional today

At Dermatology Consultants of Short Hills, patients have access to experienced providers that can ensure the skin is clean, clear, healthy, and beautiful. If you are ready to speak to a dermatologist about the reaction of fine lines and wrinkles, we encourage you to book a consultation visits with our team. We are located at 636 Morris Turnpike, Suite 2H in Short Hills, NJ and can be reached at (973) 232-6245 to make an appointment.

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